2018年4月3日 星期二



1.  診所門口貼左張紙,寫住「樂富診所已增設手提電話,Whatsapp / We Chat 9853 1301」。呢個唔搞笑,搞笑既係張紙仲寫住:「溫馨小貼士:打電話仲快哦」哈!哈!哈!見到呢句忍唔住企係診所門口笑左出黎!哈!哈!哈!咁又係事實喎,雖然樂富班助護姐姐效率奇高,速度超快又好似開左turbo 咁,但佢地好忙好忙架,邊咁得閒成日睇住有無訊息吖,都係打電話快好多!

2.  樂富診所有夜診服務呀,逢星期一、三、五,18:30 -  21:00,由謝振達醫師提供夜診服務。正呀,有需要既朋友唔洗驚放工趕唔切睇醫生啦,多謝 謝醫師及助護姐姐 肯夜d收工為居民服務吖!

3.  樂富診所星期日開返診啦!黎左個……可能係……睇樣睇外表黎講……係匡信……最後生既醫師仔吖。哈!哈!哈!唏!我邊有咁膚淺,睇醫生唔睇樣唔睇年紀架!聽聞啦……呢個醫師仔……即係……方瑞文醫師呀……好似係有熱誠既中醫黎既,同何醫師一樣睇影像片好叻,對西醫既觀點角度都有所了解,對病人既症狀檢查及測試做得幾仔細,善用手法針灸及近似物理治療方式幫人治療。有需要又平日好忙睇唔到醫生既朋友,而家星期日都有醫師睇啦!


Three interesting findings at Honson (Lok Fu) Clinic recently:

1.      I saw a notice at Lok Fu Clinic announced that “Mobile Phone No. 9853 1301 with Whatsapp / We Chat service for enquiry/ appointment now available in Lok Fu Clinic.”  But, that’s not the point.  I can’t help laughing when I saw another sentence on that notice “A smart tips: Direct Phone Call may more effective!”  Well, that’s the point!  Clinic assistants are always busy in Lok Fu Clinic.  They are always in turbo mode, direct phone call is the most effective way for enquiry and appointment making.

2.      Wow…!  Evening Chinese medicine consultation services, from 18:30 to 21:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, provided by CMP TSE Chun Tat at Honson (Lok Fu)!  Good news for those requiring Chinese medicine consultations after work!  Many thanks for CMP TSE and Clinic Assistants!

3.      Sunday clinic in Honson (Lok Fu) resumed!  A-ha!  A new CMP, who may be …… looks like …… the youngest CMP in Honson.  LOL!  Oh No!  In fact, Age and outlooks are not the criteria for choosing a good CMP, right?  Who is he?  CMP FONG Sui Man.  CMP FONG appears to be good at Diagnostic Imaging and using needling manipulation technique together with Physiotherapy skill applied (if necessary) after functional movement screening for those with pain conditions.

The above were merely my personal opinions and should not be taken as the views of the others.

An interesting notice

Evening Chinese medicine consultation services,
from 18:30 to 21:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
provided at Honson (Lok Fu)!